Why the Straw Hats' Bond Reflects Jesus’ Teachings on Community [Free]
A Bible Study on the hit anime adaptation of One Piece
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Opening Prayer
Start with a prayer inviting openness and reflection on how we form bonds and connect as a community.
Sample Prayer:
Dear Lord, as we gather today to learn and reflect, bless our discussion. May we find wisdom in Your Word and the message shared today, drawing inspiration from the bonds of unity exemplified in the One Piece Live Action. Amen.
Prep Questions
Have you ever experienced a strong bond within a team or group? Share your experience.
What does being part of a community mean to you?
Link to Video
Shortened Transcript
Today's sermon focuses on the East Blue arc of One Piece Live Action, emphasizing the importance of community and shared goals. We explore Matthew 18:18-20, discussing how our actions as disciples influence our community and the Kingdom of God. The sermon encourages us to consider the power of collective effort and unity in achieving our dreams and supporting each other.
Guided Questions
How do the goals and dreams of the Straw Hat crew in One Piece reflect our journey as Christians?
In what ways does Matthew 18:18-20 speak to the importance of community in our faith?
How do the individual dreams and goals of each Straw Hat crew member in One Piece Live Action relate to the way we pursue our personal spiritual goals within the context of a faith community?
Creating Your Pirate Crew
Group Formation: Divide into small groups of 4-5 people.
Crew Roles: Each group member identifies a unique role they would play in a pirate crew (e.g., Navigator, Storyteller, Strategist), akin to the roles in One Piece. Encourage creativity and connection to personal strengths or interests.
Crew Goals: Each group discusses and decides on a common goal or mission for their crew, symbolizing a shared spiritual or community objective.
Presentation: Groups present their crew, roles, and mission to everyone, explaining how each member's strengths contribute to achieving their common goal.
Reflection: Discuss how this activity relates to being part of a church community and working together towards a common purpose.
After Questions
How can we apply the idea of collective effort and unity in our church or community?
What steps can we take to be more inclusive and supportive of one another?
Spiritual Practice
Pirate's Journey
Participants engage in a solo role-playing game (RPG) that mimics a pirate's adventure, tailored to explore spiritual themes and personal growth.
Character Creation: Each participant creates a pirate character, reflecting aspects of their personality and spiritual journey.
Mission: Assign a spiritual mission for their character, like seeking a legendary treasure that symbolizes a personal spiritual goal.
Daily Scenarios: Provide a list of daily scenarios or challenges that the character might face, relating to virtues like faith, compassion, or perseverance.
Decision Making: Participants decide how their character would react to each scenario, journaling the outcomes and reflections.
Spiritual Alignment: Encourage decisions that align with Christian values and teachings, reflecting on how these choices parallel real-life spiritual decisions.
Share Insights: At the next group meeting, participants share insights from their RPG experience, discussing how the adventures and decisions of their pirate character have impacted their understanding of their spiritual journey.
Closing Prayer
Conclude with a prayer that encourages taking these lessons out into real life. Encourage those praying to consider building intentionality into theirs for inclusivity and openness.
Sample Prayer:
Author God, thank You for teaching us the value of unity and community through Your Word and today's sermon. Help us to embody these lessons in our daily lives, creating a loving and inclusive environment for all. Amen.
Notes From The Nerd Pastor:
No one expected this adaptation to do as well as it did. One Piece is a much-beloved franchise, but Netflix has a history of shoddy work regarding live-action adaptation. As a fan of anime, like those who will enjoy this study, I am most excited by the possibility of sharing an anime I love with people who would never watch the original. As a faith leader, that is the angle I would approach this study from - this may be the first chance that many of your anime-loving participants can share this part of themselves. Use that vulnerability to foster exciting new connections within the group you’ve formed.
Resource Notes:
Find the Wikipedia of One Piece here.
Helpful Nerd Terms:
East Blue: This is the name of this “arc” of One Piece. With well over 100 volumes, this series's mangaka has split the story into notable sections.
Dave the Diver: a viral video game from 2023.
DLC: Downloadable Content
Ick Culture: you can find examples of this trend here, but the video mostly explains the concept.
Theological Themes:
Community, Friendship, Spiritual Gifts, Bonds, Loneliness, Forgiveness, Openness, Exclusion, Inclusion, Inclusivity, Sin, Conflict, Conflict Resolution, Covenant, Matthew 18:18, Matthew 18:19, Matthew 18:20
Other questions? Ask in the comments below!