Unraveling the Mysteries of 'Slay the Princess' [Free]
A Bible Study on the cult classic indie game Slay the Princess
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Opening Prayer
Start with a prayer inviting understanding of evil, choice, and the growth possible through self-awareness.
Sample Prayer:
Heavenly God, as we gather here today to explore Your word and the lessons embedded within the games we play, guide our hearts and minds towards understanding and growth. Help us to see the parallels between scripture and our daily experiences, drawing us closer to Your wisdom and love. Amen.
Prep Questions
Think about a recent change you experienced. How did you feel about it initially, and how do you feel now?
Have you ever found yourself misjudging a situation or person, realizing later that your perception was off? Share an example.
Link to Video
Shortened Transcript
Nerd Pastor Nate draws a parallel between the indie game "Slay the Princess" and Mark 7:14-23, highlighting themes of perception, change, and the human heart's capacity for good and evil. Through the game’s narrative and Jesus’ teaching, we are encouraged to see beyond surface-level judgments and understand the deeper implications of our choices and perceptions.
Guided Questions
How does the concept of "Slay the Princess" challenge our initial perceptions? How does this relate to Jesus' message in Mark 7:14-23?
In what ways do Jesus' teachings about what defiles a person connect with the themes of choice and perception in the game?
Reflect on the idea that change and sin are not inherently good or evil but are defined by our actions and intentions. How does this perspective shift your understanding of personal growth and morality?
Interactive Change Simulation
Objective: To explore themes of change, choice, and moral discernment through live-action role-play, inspired by the game "Slay the Princess" and the teachings of Mark 7:14-23.
Participants are divided into small groups, each representing a different scenario from the game "Slay the Princess," with parallels to real-life dilemmas and biblical teachings.
Each group receives a scenario card outlining a situation where they must make a choice that reflects on the themes of perception, change, and morality.
Scenarios include moral dilemmas, opportunities for change, and situations requiring discernment, mirroring the decisions in "Slay the Princess" and Jesus' teachings.
Role-Play Guidelines:
Designate Roles: Each group member assumes a role within the scenario - the protagonist (facing the dilemma), the antagonist (representing challenge or temptation), and other characters offering different perspectives or advice.
Scenario Exploration: The group enacts the scenario, with the protagonist facing the dilemma and needing to make a choice. The antagonist and other characters influence the protagonist's decision-making process, reflecting internal and external influences.
Decision Time: The protagonist makes a choice, and the group briefly acts out the consequences of that choice, exploring the outcomes of different paths.
After Questions
How can practicing discernment help us navigate changes and challenges in our lives?
Discuss ways we can apply the three simple rules (do good, do no harm, and strive for growth) in our daily lives. Can you think of a recent example where you followed these rules?
Spiritual Practice
The Parable of Reflection
Objective: To engage deeply with the themes of perception, choice, and transformation through a focused, single-day spiritual exercise inspired by the parables of Jesus.
The Challenge: Choose a day to live out the "Parable of Reflection." This day will be dedicated to conscious, intentional acts of faith, mirroring the process of spiritual discernment, choice, and reflection inspired by the sermon and scripture.
Morning Reflection:
Start your day with a prayer asking for God's guidance to see the opportunities for growth and understanding.
Read a chosen parable from the Gospels that speaks to change and transformation (e.g., The Sower, The Good Samaritan, The Prodigal Son). Reflect on its meaning in your life.
Daytime Challenge:
As you go about your day, look for opportunities to embody the lessons of the parable. This could involve acts of kindness, moments of forgiveness, or steps towards personal change.
Approach every decision and interaction with the question, "How can I reflect the love and teachings of Jesus in this moment?"
Evening Reflection:
In the evening, take time to journal about your experiences. How did the parable guide your actions? Did you notice any changes in how you perceive or react to situations?
Share your reflections with a friend, family member, or in your Bible study group. Discuss the impact of living out the parable and how it deepened your understanding of the scripture and its application to your life.
Closing Prayer
Conclude with a prayer that encourages taking these lessons out into real life.
Sample Prayer:
Lord, thank You for the lessons of today, for showing us the power of perception, and for teaching us the importance of looking within. As we go forth, help us to embody the teachings of Jesus in our actions and choices, always striving for growth, doing no harm, and seeking to do good in all we do. Amen.
Notes From The Nerd Pastor:
Slay the Princess is a fascinating game to play with future conversations in mind. While the source material can be shocking and uncomfortable, it is rich in lore. I’d advise skewing for an older audience with this one, not particularly advised for those under 18, especially given the gore.
Resource Notes:
Access the Slay the Princess wiki here.
Helpful Nerd Terms:
Visual Novel: a form of digital interactive fiction
Time Loop: a plot device in fiction whereby characters re-experience a span of time which is repeated
Theological Themes:
Choice, Change, Stasis, Chaos, Perception, Purity, Sin, Righteousness, Holy Living, Discernment, Mark 7:14, Mark 7:15, Mark 7:16, Mark 7:17, Mark 7:18, Mark 7:19, Mark 7:20, Mark 7:21, Mark 7:22, Mark 7:23
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